This is one of the most interesting Military-medical Museum's tours, introducing the exhibits that represent the Museum's collection and the main sections of the Museum's exposition the most vividly. During the sightseeing tour you will see reproductions of chronicle miniatures and engravings telling how medicine developed in the middle ages; medical documents and decrees of the Imperial Russia; rare medical instruments; a unique x-ray machine of the beginning of the XX century. The clothing collection of Russian medical workers is also widely presented.
Among the relics are works of art, manuscripts, and personal belongings of such representatives of domestic medicine as Y. V. Willie, I. V. Buyalsky, N. I. Pirogov, S. P. Botkin, V. A. Opel, G. I. Turner and many other outstanding scientists recognized throughout the world.
Much attention in the tour is paid to the medicine of the Great Patriotic war, the heroism of Russian doctors.
No one is indifferent to the section "Crimes of fascism", which presents the personal belongings of concentration camp prisoners, samples of "products" from human remains (human hair, tanned skin), instruments of torture.
In the "Local conflicts" hall you will feel the atmosphere of war. It displays materials about the war in Afghanistan and the Chechen Republic, demonstrating a modern system of medical evacuation, as well as treatment of victims using modern equipment.